8:00-10:30 am
Led by Staff
Main Building Classroom 2
Pre-K3-Kindergarten Boys
Led by sarah kahane
Main Building ECC Classroom
Pre-K3-Kindergarten Girls
8:00-10:30 am
Led by chana weiner
& Avigayil Safier
Main Building Classroom 1
1st-2nd Girls
Led by Ahuva Davis
Annex Classroom 1
3rd & 4th girls
Led by adina steiner
Annex Classroom 3
1st - 3rd Boys
8:00-10:30 am
Led by hodaya harary
& adina schwartzberg
Annex Classroom 4
Welcome to the
Young Israel of Memphis
Rabbi Akiva Males, Rabbi
Steven Schwartzberg, President
Eileen Segal, Executive Director
Rosh Hashana
Yom Tov Youth Programming
Rabbi Yaakov Gelb, Youth Director
pre-Maariv Shiurim
After Mincha in the Kahane Sanctuary
1st Day by Rabbi Akiva Males:
“Can Moshiach Arrive on Rosh HaShanah?”
2nd Day by Rabbi Phil Moskowitz:
“You Are What You Think: How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality”
upcoming events
October 2 - women's circle concert event
night of song & inspiration with music sensation devorah schwartz
Candle Lighting 6:33 pm
shacharis (Both Days) 8:00 am
Shofar (both Days) 10:15 am
mincha (Both Days) 6:20 pm
maariv (1st Day) 7:10 pm
maariv (2nd Day) 7:33 pm
Havdala 7:38 pm
General Supervision for
nursery - 3rd Grade After 10:30 AM